Marseille Université at the Salon de l'Étudiant in Aix-en-Provence



Saturday, November 18, 2023 | 9am-5pm
Arena du Pays d'Aix
1955 Rue Claude Nicolas Ledoux, 13290 Aix-en-Provence, France
Admission free and open to all - Free, compulsory registration

Aix-Marseille Université is taking part in the Aix-en-Provence student fair at the Arena du Pays d'Aix. Counsellors from the university placement and guidance service, teacher-researchers and students will be on hand to help high-school students build their plans for higher education at the university. All areas of study will be presented: arts, humanities and languages, law and political science, economics and management, health, science and technology, and the multidisciplinary sector (IUT and INSPE).


Five lectures on the program:

09:30 - 10:15 Post-baccalaureate studies: what type of training should you choose?

10:30am - 11:15am Science, technology, industry.

11:30am - 12:15pm Economics, management.

14h00 - 14h45 Teaching professions

15h00 - 15h45 Law studies, legal and administrative training: which studies for which professions?


As an interdisciplinary and international university, we are committed to student success.
Students are truly at the heart of its priorities, notably through the personalization of their studies and the quality of life on campus.

It offers Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees, as well as University Technology Bachelors (BUT), engineering and healthcare diplomas. In addition to its range of initial training courses, it offers continuing education courses leading to a diploma, validation of acquired experience (VAE), short courses leading to a qualification, and sandwich courses. With more than 590 partner institutions, the university offers its students the opportunity to study or do an internship abroad.

It is part of the CIVIS European University, an alliance of 11 public universities, which offers an innovative training program for new generations of European citizens, based on major contemporary challenges and commitment.

Its high quality university life is designed to promote "living well together", offering a wide choice of physical, sporting, cultural and artistic activities, as well as high-level sporting or artistic status. Thanks to the work of Mission Handicap, students in this situation are supported in their studies and benefit from accommodations to simplify their daily lives.

As a responsible and committed university, it is recognized in international rankings for its social and societal impact, as well as for its role as a driving force for innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.

Aix-Marseille Université
Salon de l'étudiant