Seminar on sharing good practices Socio-Economic World

La fresque de facilitation graphique de la journée MSE & C, réalisée en direct par Bruno Forand (agence Possibelity)

In the framework of the Call for Proposals: Transformation of Training through Research, the A*Midex Foundation and the PIA TIGER project organized a seminar to share best practices in the Socio-Economic and Cultural World on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at the Hexagone, Luminy. A look back in words and pictures.

First, what does MSE & C mean?

Social-Economic and Cultural World: which concerns social and economic realities in their mutual relations. Can concern the relationship with companies (large, SME, VSE, start up), institutions, organizations, associations, administrations.

The TIGER project aims to create more synergies between training and research around 3 axes, including the axis MSE & C which aims to enable students at Master and Doctorate level to continuously improve their employability during their course, as well as their professional insertion at the end of it.

Why did you organize a MSE & C best practice sharing seminar?

There were several reasons why we decided to organize this high point of exchange and sharing around the MSE&C theme:
1/ The potential of our 80,000 students, 8,000 staff, 5 large campuses within 9 cities, and 4 departments. So many opportunities to meet, discover each other and truly exchange on the MSE&C.
2/ The need, after 2 years of COVID epidemic and online meetings, to meet in a common place for real exchanges, with people who share the same thoughts, issues, and ideas.
3/ A PAA launched this year with a large majority of AMU's Master's courses and its partners interested in embarking on a trajectory of transformation that will lead them to continue to improve on, among other things:
- the implementation of "professional integration" oriented courses within the curriculum to help students become aware of their professional skills, the world of work that awaits them, and to develop coherent application tools to adapt to the different application processes. - the setting up of events (exchanges, conferences, afterworks, etc...) and internships with MSE&C actors. - the setting up of alternating courses, or the creation of blocks of competences transverse to continuing education within certain courses. As well as the desire to give the opportunity to all course holders and teaching teams to meet, to exchange more widely on these criteria, and many others.
4/ A collective awareness of the graduation of a new generation of students, of the evolution of the job market, and of the expectations and concerns of the actors of the MSE & C. The best response we can make is to continue to implement a competency-based approach to our training that will allow students to develop the agility needed to fit in and respond more easily to changes in the job market.

Who were the participants of this seminar?

This event brought together about a hundred participants, including the heads of Master's courses that are candidates for this PAA, as well as the Socio-Economic World representatives within the various Institutes of Establishment, components, and directions of Aix-Marseille University.

What was the program of the day?

The seminar opened with an introductory speech by Denis Bertin (VP A*MIDEX / RST TIGER) and Sophie de Cacqueray (VP Delegate for General Affairs in Education) who recalled the main milestones of the PIA TIGER project and the objective of the seminar. It was followed by an opening conference on the Revolution of professions and the evolution of skills led by Nadine Richez-Battesti (Head of the Master ESS - FEG) and Damien Brochier (Chargé de Missions CEREQ). The opportunity to address the notion of a competency-based approach that will be at the heart of the transformation of the mock-ups during the next accreditation in 2024.

The participants were then divided into subgroups to participate in the morning's thematic workshops, and the afternoon's workshop-debates.
- The workshops allowed the guests to obtain additional information on themes such as entrepreneurship, blocks of competencies, the CISAM+ project, work-study programs, and career-oriented teaching within the courses.
- The afternoon workshop-debates allowed participants to brainstorm and give their opinions around questions on themes such as: the challenges of CSR, student engagement, the ideal graduate of 2030, technology platforms, business meetings, or the network of MSE actors.

Each of the workshops, and workshop-debates were led by internal speakers (from different components and departments of AMU) and external speakers (representatives of CMA CGM, Clean my Calanques, BPi Groupe, Innate Pharma, CFA Epure) who agreed to share their best advice, and practices with the participants.

What were the animations of this day, and how did they contribute to the success of this moment of exchange and sharing?

A wall of portraits of inspiring graduates was featured in the exhibition hall. These graduates seemed inspiring to us through their careers and/or their sense of commitment in the areas of sustainable development, awareness of the challenges of ecological transition, the fight against discrimination, the dissemination of scientific culture, solidarity between peers, or the creation of a company with societal impact.

The second animation of the day was a great success. It was a graphic facilitation fresco created live by Bruno Forand (Possibelity) to resume the main lines of the PIA TIGER project, and the highlights of the day.

Galerie d'images
Le discours d'introduction de la journée prononcé par Denis Bertin (VP A*MIDEX / RST TIGER)
L'un des workshops thématiques organisés lors de la première moitié de la journée
Le mur des alumni, dédié à la mise en avant de diplômés d'AMU inspirants
La fresque de facilitation graphique de la journée réalisée en direct par Bruno Forand
La fresque de facilitation graphique de la journée finalisée, réalisée par Bruno Forand
Conclusion de la journée et retour sur les attentes des participants
Useful links

The TIGER project website:

The A*Midex Foundation website:

France 2030