Lauréats AAP ISSPAM 2023

AAP_ Support for the initiation of innovative and collaborative projects

ISSPAM promotes scientific exchanges and encourages the emergence of new collaborative projects. This call is part of that objective. Its purpose is to enable the initial development of innovative and collaborative research or training projects within the institute.
For information, ISSPAM allocates an average of €20,000, with a maximum of €25,000 subject to the budget available.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


Project title: Documenting the implementation of an accommodation model and its social and health effects on women and children: "L'Auberge marseillaise".
Project acronym: HEPRESCA
Project leaders:

  • Perrine ROUX (SESSTIM)
  • Fabienne ORSI (IRD)

Project title: Obesity and social contagion in adolescents: a pilot study
Project acronym: OCAPI
Project leaders:

  • Maxime LUIGGI (UR 4671)

Project title: Medical Racism and Social Representations
Project acronym: RAMRES
Project leaders:

  • Bouchra ZOUHRI (LPS)
  • Gabriel GIRARD (SESSTIM)

AAP_Junior and senior outgoing mobility

This mobility grant is intended to support the temporary mobility of a junior or senior researcher or teacher from ISSPAM in an academic or non-academic institution (university, private institution, association, socio-cultural institution, etc.) abroad.
The aim of this call for projects for ISSPAM is to encourage the structuring of international partnerships.
Two sessions are organised during the year. For information, the maximum amount awarded by ISSPAM is €2,000, to cover travel, accommodation, meal and incidental expenses up to the maximum per diem.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


Outgoing agent: Roch GIORGI (SESSTIM)
Host team abroad (title, director): Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics, and Actuarial Sciences / Louvain Institute for Data Analysis and Modeling. Directrice : Catherine LEGRAND Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
Project title: The right to be forgotten and the estimation of excess risk in the absence of disease-specific registry data: methodological approaches to assist decision-making in public health

Outgoing agent: Louise VIROLE (SESSTIM)
Host team abroad (title, director): CREMIS, Nicolas Sallée, Université de Montréal
Project title: LGBTI+ community health: France/Québec comparison

AAP_Grant to go to a thematic school

This mobility grant is intended to support the participation of doctoral students, whose thesis (co)supervisor is a member of ISSPAM, in a thematic school in France or abroad.
The aim of this call for projects is to enable doctoral students to benefit from additional training as well as an experience of openness.
This call for projects will take place on an ad hoc basis. For information, ISSPAM allocates a maximum of €1,000 to cover the cost of registration, travel and accommodation.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


thematic school title: 90ème Congrès de l'Acfas | Colloque 426 - Smart drugs, microdosing, nootropics : « devenir performant »
Student:  Philémon DECLE (SESSTIM)

AAP_Organisation of scientific events and scientific culture

As part of its mission to disseminate and transfer knowledge and skills in public health sciences within the scientific community and to the general public, ISSPAM is offering to co-finance the organisation of scientific events and scientific culture (conferences, themed schools, debates, initiatives aimed at patients' associations, the socio-cultural world or the general public, etc.) on public health science topics.
The aim of this call for projects is to have a structuring effect on the site, and to develop its visibility and attractiveness.
Two sessions are organised during the year. For information, the maximum amount awarded by ISSPAM is €1,500.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


Title of the scientific event: Workshop Mindfulness, santé et société
Organisers of the event:

  • Philippine CHACHIGNON (doctorante LPS)
  • Emmanuelle Le BARBENCHON (LPS)

Title of the scientific event: Université d’automne de la Chair
Organisers of the event:

AAP_4th year thesis grant

The aim of this call for proposals is to support the finalisation of a thesis in progress within the ISSPAM research environment for a maximum period of 12 months.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


Title of thesis: Socio-representational analysis of the phenomenon of human embryo biotechnology
Doctoral student:  Eloïse VINSON (LPS)
Key words: Social representations; bioethics; human embryo; health; reproduction

Title of thesis: Profiles, practices and health of regular cannabis users in France
Doctoral student:  Martin BASTIEN (LPS)
Key words: Cannabis use; patterns of use; self-medication; harm reduction; mixed methods

AAP_Co-funded doctoral contract ISSPAM-IRD

The IRD is supporting ISSPAM by offering to co-finance a doctoral contract. This funding will support a candidate from one of ISSPAM's member teams, who will carry out his/her thesis in one of ISSPAM's 3 affiliated Doctoral Schools.

More details on the winners of this call for proposals soon.


Title of thesis: Predicting antibiotic resistance using AI techniques: a federated and continuous approach
Doctoral student: Laurent VOURIOT (SESSTIM)
Key words: Antibiotic resistance, Cambodia, machine learning, federated learning, continuous learning

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