DIRCOM - Communication Department

1. Missions

The Communications Department contributes to the local, national and international influence of Aix-Marseille University as well as to the dissemination of information to staff and students. It implements the communication policy validated by the President of the university and the Vice President of Communication.

Its mission is to promote the university's activities, strengthen the sense of belonging to Aix-Marseille University and advise departments and components on the promotion of their actions. It designs, produces and distributes various communication media (welcome guides, brochures, internal magazine, posters, newsletters, websites, press releases and press kits...) for the university's services and 19 components.


Throughout the year, it actively contributes to the organization of the university's large-scale events (welcome of new staff, end-of-year party, ceremonies...) and events for students, in collaboration with the university's services and components.

2. Team

The communication department has 16 people. The majority of the team is gathered at the university's headquarters, at the Pharo. The other personnel are located in Aix-en-Provence on the Schuman site (Faculty of Law and Political Science and Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages, Humanities). 

3. Communication and press

You are looking for a communication document

  • Institutional communication (Brochure, powerpoint, balance sheet, organizational chart...)
  • Publications, magazines, newsletters
  • Press releases and press kits
  • Communication campaigns
  • Graphic charts
  • Components
  • Institutions
  • Officials and templates
  • AMU presentation video

To view these useful documents and the full communication pieces, click here

4. Procedures

For all your graphic design, video and goodie ordering requests, go here 

Documents to download
Useful links
Contact information

Direction of Communication
Aix-Marseille University - Jardin du Pharo
58, bd Charles Livon 13284 Marseille Cedex 07

communication department
communication department amu
communication aix marseille university
logo, logos