"Transhumanism: new rights? "meeting and discussions between researchers and students

Capture d'écran du communiqué de presse "« Transhumanisme : de nouveaux droits ? » : rencontre et discussions entre chercheurs et élèves du secondaire"

Socially committed, Aix-Marseille University illustrates its values once again with the organization of the online conference "Transhumanism: new rights? "on Thursday 27 May, in the presence of Eric Berton, President of Aix-Marseille Université, Bernard Beignier, Rector of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur academic region, Isabelle Regner, Vice-President for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination and Christian Byk, Representative of the French National Commission for UNESCO.

Thursday, 27 May 2021 - 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.

This event is a follow-up to the first half-day colloquium organized on 25 March last under the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Rectorat de la région académique Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Multidisciplinary scientists (legal sciences, philosophy, sociology) presented their research.
This second half-day is devoted to the restitution of the work carried out over the last two years by secondary school classes, with their teachers (Collège Jean Brunet in Avignon and Lycée Montgrand in Marseille), and the researchers.

The objective is to promote learning and the ability to question students, actors and citizens, on this subject of society that is debated, multiple issues and hopeful. Indeed, transhumanism can be defined as all the techniques and thoughts aimed at improving human capacities, physical or human, through the advanced use of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies.
Together, researchers, students and teachers have studied and shown how the law could allow, facilitate, prohibit or hinder the development of transhumanism in our societies.

This project represents an example of collaboration between the University and the Rectorate where, on the one hand, high school students are made aware of the social role of law and their own role as actors in the public debate and, on the other hand, researchers initiate participatory science actions during which they obtain qualitative data on the ideas, opinions and questions of high school students through concrete examples linking law and transhumanism.

For more information: http://url.univ-amu.fr/journee-transhumanisme-droits
This event is co-organized by the joint research units DICE CERIC and ADES CDSA


Created in 2004 by the merger of four teams, the joint research unit International, Comparative and European Law "DICE" No. 7318 is the result of the institutional merger of 4 teams (CERIC and GERJC in Aix-en-Provence, CDPC in Toulon and IE2IA in Pau). UMR DICE is attached to two CNRS institutes: the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (INSHS, section 36) and the Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE, section 45). The DICE-CERIC is a multidisciplinary research team comprising mainly public and private law lawyers, specialists in domestic, comparative, international and European law. For more information on UMR 7318 DICE: https: //dice.univ-amu.fr/

The UMR 7268 ADES has three supervisory authorities Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). In addition, there are relationships with the Regional Archaeology Service (SRA-PACA), the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap), the Infectious Diseases Institute (IHU), and the Eveha archaeological research society. UMR 7268 ADÉS is attached to the Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE) of the CNRS. All CNRS researchers are assigned to section 31 Hommes et milieux : Évolution, interactions. On the other hand, the memberships of the CNU sections for teacher-researchers are more diversified, since they concern sections 01, 02, 03, 17, 20, 43, 47, 45, 46, 53, 54, 56 and 74 https://ades.hypotheses.org/

About the French National Commission for UNESCO
Created in 1946, the French National Commission for UNESCO has a double mission:

  • To promote the role of UNESCO and its values in French society

It oversees the implementation of UNESCO's programmes in France and coordinates UNESCO's networks to publicize its programmes and promote its ideals.
It implements international cooperation in UNESCO's fields of competence.

  • To contribute to the strengthening of French intellectual influence at UNESCO

It constitutes a pool of experts and animates the institutional network corresponding to UNESCO's fields of competence,
It is a laboratory and a place for the exchange of ideas related to the Organization's agenda.

It is with this double objective that it is organizing (2018-2022) the project "THINKING TRANSHUMANISM", which associates in the regions the academic mode and aims to strengthen cooperation with civil society.

Useful links
Contact information

Project contacts at DICE-CERIC

  • Aurélie Mahalatchimy aurelie.mahalatchimy@univ-amu.fr
  • Martine Perron martine.perron@univ-amu.fr

Project contact at ADES-CDSA :

  • Guylène Nicolas guylene.nicolas@univ-amu.fr
Press release
French National Commission for UNESCO
Rectorat de la région académique Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur