PANORAMA 2022-2023 assesment

Illustration actualité PANORAMA

Since January 1, 2021, Aix-Marseille Université has been running the PANORAMA* project, coordinated in close collaboration with the universities of Avignon and Toulon. The 2022-2023 assessment of this scheme, which has been awarded the France 2030 label, testifies to the ongoing commitment of AMU and its partners to offer effective, personalized support to high school students in their orientation and success in higher education.

The year 2022-2023 saw several promising advances for PANORAMA, which mobilizes several key institutional partners (such as the Rectorat and the Région Sud), as well as academic, associative and socio-economic partners (IEPAix, ECM, Sortie d'Amphi, AFEV, Article 1, Elles Bougent, Visionari, and EDF).

The year was marked by a gradual ramp-up of the program, with a more intense deployment phase for almost all the activities offered to schools by the partners. There are two reasons for this: a greater number of schools involved (+30 compared with 2021-2022), and a better understanding of the planning procedures by both schools and partners.

A total of 738 activities were deployed in 80 public high schools, including 68 in the Académie d'Aix-Marseille and 12 in the Académie de Nice. The program benefited 28,615 students (+78%) and 638 families, as well as 915 secondary school actors.

Significant efforts were made to respond more quickly and specifically to requests from high schools, and more students were mobilized to work with high school students. A call for projects was also launched for the first time, aimed at supporting innovative projects in high schools.
Finally, a sociological study was carried out in a number of high schools to better assess the impact of the program on students' career choices.

A varied portfolio of activities

The portfolio of activities is proposed each year by a university guidance officer, as the single point of contact for the PANORAMA program. These activities are adapted to the needs indicated by the management of each high school, and are divided into several categories:

  • For high-school students: information activities on student life, the range of courses on offer and career guidance tools, as well as guidance skills support activities, campus immersions and career immersions.
  • For secondary school students (e.g., teachers and psychologists from the French Ministry of Education), the universities, in close collaboration with the DRAIO, offer exchange sessions, meetings and/or training courses to help them better understand the courses on offer.

Éxpanding the scheme, new partners and educational resources in prospect

Next year, the PANORAMA program plans to welcome 40 new high schools, including vocational sections and private comprehensive schools. The portfolio of activities will be adapted according to the territory and type of school (public, private, vocational/agricultural), with priority given to schools located in Priority Urban Neighborhoods and/or in rural or remote areas, which are most in need of support.

Two new partners, 100,000 Entrepreneurs and Jobirl, will be integrated into the scheme to support activities aimed at discovering careers and providing guidance on gender diversity in the various sectors. They will also be working with other players such as the Cité des métiers.

Finally, new teaching resources will gradually be made available to secondary school teachers, to better equip them for their 54-hour career guidance courses.

As Anne Ribaud, AMU's vice-president for career guidance and professional integration, and the scheme's technical and scientific manager, points out:

"Guidance is socially very discriminating. It is very well supported in advantaged families, and leads to a better continuation of studies in higher education. Through Panorama, AMU is socially committed to erasing these inequalities for students from disadvantaged neighborhoods and rural areas. In addition, the PANORAMA teams are committed to working with institutions, associations and companies involved in guidance for high school students. The expansion of Panorama and its regional coverage should enable us to better meet this objective and increase the success of these students at university".

*About PANORAMA: The PANORAMA project (Pour l'Accompagnement à l'Orientation et à la Réussite à Aix-Marseille, Avignon et Toulon), winner of the France 2030 investment program, is one of the 6 structuring projects of Aix-Marseille University that support its strategy of transforming training, research and innovation. Through PANORAMA, AMU aims to provide high school students with human, concrete and diversified support in their orientation towards higher education. Each year, the project offers information, support and immersion activities for high-school students, as well as meetings with secondary school actors as part of the bac-3/bac+3 articulation. Working in partnership with a number of local and national players in the field of career guidance, the project is aimed primarily at schools located in urban policy districts or rural/remote areas of the Aix-Marseille Academy and the Var region.

Useful links

More information on AMU's PANORAMA project

Contact information

Ludovic Collin, PANORAMA project officer:

balance sheet
France 2030