Europe/H2020: 2 calls for "Coronavirus" projects

AMU participates in two projects on the 'Coronavirus' call, launched in response to the epidemic by the European Commission, out of the 17 selected projects.

  • SCORE: "Swift COronavirus therapeutic REsponse", Collaborative research project of the Health Challenge, Bruno Canard (AFMB).
  • CONVAT: "Combating 2019-nCoV: Advanced Nanobiosensing platforms for POC global diagnostics and surveillance". Rémi Charrel and Bruno Coutard (UVE), Collaborative Research Project of the "Health Challenge".

The European Commission has also published a summary of the projects supported since H2020 in connection with this epidemic, including three projects led by the UVE team: The European Virus Archive - GLOBAL (EVA-GLOBAL) project coordinated by this laboratory and the two partnership projects PREPARE and ZAPI.

Contact information

Program H2020 :

  • Targeted watch, Information on European opportunities, Detection and Lobbing : Céline Damon
    Research and Development Department
    Tel: +33 (0)4 91 39 65 72 - Email:
  • Operational support (project development): Johanna Kabadanian
    E mail :

calls for proposal