SUL - Service universitaire des langues

Welcome to the Service universitaire des langues

The SUL - Service Universitaire des Langues (University Centre for Global Languages) is the result of the merger in November 2021 of two common services of the of Aix-Marseille Université, the MIRREL (Interdisciplinary House of Research and Resources in Languages) and the SUFLE (University Service of French as a Foreign Language).

It has the following missions:

  • Provide training in French as a Foreign Language (FLE), of which its DU LCF (University Diploma in French Language and Cultures) is a driving force. Each semester, nearly 300 students from all over the world come to learn and discover a language and culture with an experienced and dynamic teaching team.
    FLE courses during the semester are organized in Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and online, for all audiences, AMU students and staff, and international students in supervised (Erasmus+) or individual mobility.
  • Accompanying Modern Languages learners (Modern Foreign Languages and French as a Foreign Language) in its language resource center, the CARLAM (Centre de Ressources en Langues-AIX-Marseille), through the provision of self-study materials and supervised tutoring and conversation activities. Several hundred students deepen their language learning each year, obtaining for some the "Languages bonus" validated by their training in AMU components.
  • Offer the possibility of taking the language certifications that students and individuals need in the context of international mobility and/or professional insertion.
    The service organizes in particular the CLES (Certificate of Language of Higher Education), the TOEIC-Listening and Reading, the DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française), the TCF (Test de connaissance du Français) and has the vocation to propose the passing of other language certifications (FLE and LVE)
  • To train FLE trainers seeking to improve their skills in the didactics of French as a Foreign Language. This mission is assigned to the SUPFLES (University Internship of Professionalization in French as a Foreign and Second Language).

The teaching and administrative teams welcome you at the Aix-en-Provence and Marseille-Centre sites.
See you soon!
The Service universitaire des langues team


Useful links

Do you have a question? Contact us here!

Go to the SUL home page

Contact information

Tel : +33(0)4 13 55 06 12

Access and contact

Aix-En-Provence (FLE section): 29, Avenue R. Schuman, building T3-Porte, 2nd floor, 13621 Aix-en-Provence (Access map)
Marseille (CARLAM): Campus Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, building 5 case 81, 2nd floor, 13331Marseille (Access map)

Contact Form

University Language Service
service universitaire des langues