France 2030 - TIRREX Project


TIRREX (Technological Infrastructure for Robotics Research of Excellence) is the result of several years of research and reflection in the field of robotics. It aims to develop new emblematic platforms in robotics with a national coordination for their access and development.

The project brings together all the major players in French academic research in robotics (CNRS, INRIA, CEA, INRAE) and is structured around 6 thematic axes (Humanoid Robotics, XXL Robotics, Micro-Nano Robotics, Autonomous Terrestrial Robotics, Aerial Robotics and Medical Robotics) and transverse axes (Prototyping & Design and Manipulation) designed to irrigate the thematic axes. Bringing openness to an unprecedented level in robotics, a 3rd transversal axis will focus on open infrastructure. It aims to guarantee, standardize access and the free nature of data, software and publications produced (FAIR data and open source software).

Project objectives:

- To acquire new flight spaces interoperable with the Gipsa-lab (the current flight space is saturated by research projects).
- To equip itself with a wind wall to simulate in an aerological way the advance flight.
- To acquire a mixed indoor/outdoor circuit for the study of indoor/outdoor transitions in flight.

The beneficiaries of this project are both:

- ECs: new experiences will be possible with the new equipment and spaces.
- Students: the new equipment and space will provide students with new project opportunities in robotics, motion capture and turbulence studies. Robotic challenges will be possible thanks to the indoor/outdoor circuit created.
- and the socio-economic world: the new possible experiments on GPS intermittency and the possibility of translational flight without GPS, new industrialists are likely to be approached.


Useful links


Contact information

Scientific and Technical Manager

Coordination officer


Identity card of the project
logo France 2030
Logo amU
Name of the project TIRREX
OperatorNational Research Agency
Year of certification2021
Total budget4.3 million euros
France 2030 grant1.1 million euros
Project partners

Aix-Marseille University, Univ. of Franche-Comté, Univ. of Clermont-Auvergne, Univ. of Technology of Compiègne, Univ. of Grenoble-Alpes, Univ. of Lille, Univ. of Lorraine, Univ. of Montpellier, Univ. of Nantes, Univ. of Poitiers, Sorbonne Univ., Univ. of Strasbourg, ENSAM, Supmicrotech-ENSMM, SIGMA-Clermont, CNRS, CEA List, INRAE, INRIA


France 2030