Ampiric Day

Logo du pôle pilote AMPIRIC

Le projet AMPIRIC, est lauréat de l'appel à projets « pôle pilote de formation des enseignants et de recherche pour l’éducation » du PIA 3 (volet « Territoires d'Innovation Pédagogique ») de la Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations.

Ampiric day of exchange on 5 fundamental learning skills: reading, writing, reasoning, counting, respecting others
Distance learning on June 23, 2021

Ampiric is a unique system. Anchored in the "Research-Training-Field" project of the Inspé of Aix-Marseille University, and associating the Inspé of Nice, it starts from the observation of a "school of reproduction" of social and gender inequalities in France (Pisa 2015 ranking / items: readings, science, mathematics, collective problem solving). Marseille is, like the academy, a reality and a strong symbol of these inequalities: in this commune, one of the best high schools in France is located alongside the largest number of REP+ schools (23). How can we train teachers for such different contexts, and how can we articulate the fundamentals between them in a transdisciplinary perspective? In order to meet this challenge, Ampiric combines the anchoring in the field, the support of fundamental and collaborative research, pedagogical innovation and the promotion of a new relationship to knowledge and training. This unprecedented association is a strength that will enable us to envisage a profound renewal of teacher, CPE and PsyEN training by 2030, and of student learning.

To question, redefine and decompartmentalize learning and fundamental knowledge
To develop research and training in this field
To reinforce the dynamics of collaborative research and transdisciplinarity
To organize the cycle of Ampiric 2021-2022 conferences on these fundamentals.

10-minute presentation of the project by Virginie BABY-COLLIN, head of Ampiric
5 moments of 45 minutes each, introduced for 10 minutes by a moderator

Morning session :
Reading: Johannes ZIEGLER (Ampiric) / Writing: Jean-Luc VELAY (Ampiric) / Writing: Nicolas SEMBEL (Ampiric).

Counting: Patrick LEMAIRE (IUF) / Respecting others: Julien GARRIC (Inspé) - Final synthesis of 45 mn (led by Jean-Luc VELAY & Nicolas SEMBEL). - Main witness: Patrick LEMAIRE.

ALL AUDIENCES: REGISTRATION (or without HAL account by mail to

Valorization of research and continuing education

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Ampiric day