France 2030 - REVEA Project


The REVEA project (Optimization of Performance through Virtual Reality) aims to use new technologies, more specifically virtual reality, as a factor of optimization of sports performance in view of the 2024 Olympic Games. It is coordinated by the University of Rennes 2.

The idea of the project is to provide medal-winning athletes and their coaches with virtual reality training protocols that offer them the possibility to optimize different areas of performance (e.g., perception, decision making, ...) in a targeted manner using the concept of the digital twin. The idea is to immerse athletes in highly realistic virtual environments and to confront them with virtual partners (4x100 m relay) or opponents (boxes) with biologically plausible movements. It will then be possible to design training protocols in which it is possible to control the smallest details, to provide feedbacks on the performance produced in real time, in a perfectly secure context. This highly interdisciplinary project (at the interface of Life and Health Sciences, Human and Social Sciences and Information and Communication Sciences and Technology), is part of a co-construction approach with the sports world and aims to design and optimize training methods in Virtual Reality, while ensuring their acceptability by the athlete-trainer couple.

- Expectations from the point of view of teachers / researchers / students / the socio-economic world:

This project is located at the interface of different disciplines. Only the pooling of complementary skills relating to the athlete in his or her different dimensions (biomechanical, cognitive, psychological, etc.) and to new technologies is likely to ensure the success of this ambitious project co-constructed with the sports movement.

- Expected impact measures:

In a rapidly changing technological context (rise of virtual reality and augmented reality tools, miniaturization of sensors, big data, data fusion, ...) in the field of sport of health and well-being, this project brings together a consortium of partners with complementary skills, likely to design and optimize simulators, taking into account the characteristics of users (high-level athletes) and their needs. This project is at the forefront of a user-centered approach, with a view to optimizing performance. This approach could then be applied in other contexts to other populations.

- Deployment schedule:

The first simulators should be delivered to the partner federations at the beginning of 2022 so that they can be integrated into the Olympic preparation of medal-eligible athletes who fall under the various federations involved.

Useful links
Contact information

Scientific and Technical Manager

  • Richard KULPA

Project Manager

Identity card of the project
logo France 2030
Logo amU
Project name REVEA
OperatorNational Research Agency
Year of labeling2021
Total budget4.3 million euros
France 2030 grant1.1 million euros
Project partners

University of Rennes 2, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Aix-Marseille University, Paris Saclay University, INSEP, FFB, FFGy, FFA

New technologies
Virtual reality
France 2030