CFVU - Training and University Life Commission (DIRFOR)

Training and University Life Commission of 40 members, including 32 members representing professors, teachers, researchers and students, 4 members representing B.I.A.T.S.S. staff and 4 members representing external personalities.

The Commission is consulted on the direction of initial and continuing training courses, on applications for accreditation and projects for new courses, and on the evaluation of courses. It prepares measures aimed at implementing student orientation and validation of prior learning, facilitating students' entry into working life, promoting cultural, sporting, social and community activities for students, and improving their living and working conditions.

In particular, it examines measures relating to support activities, university and social works, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centers. It is the guarantor of students' political and trade union freedoms. It may be consulted by the President on the conditions of use of premises, and on the composition and operating procedures of the Pedagogical Commission responsible for examining requests for validation of prior learning. Lastly, the committee may make recommendations.


This page is out of date as of March 2024.

Documents are now published on the Aix-Marseille Université's Recueil des actes administratifs (RAA), accessible via the following link

recueil des actes administratifs



Commission for Training and University Life