France 2030 - TIGER project


The TIGER (Transform and Innovate in Graduate Education with Research) project, a winner of the France 2030 investment program, is one of 6 structuring projects at Aix-Marseille Université to support its strategy of transforming education, research and innovation.


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The TIGER project has three main focuses:

- Introduce more Master's and PhD students to research
- Facilitate mobility to enhance theirinternational experience
- Increase opportunities to work with players in the socio-economic world

Through the TIGER project, AMU aims to enable students to acquire a maximum number of skills through training with researchers, players in the socio-economic world and internationally. By diversifying sources of knowledge, facilitating access to research, and reinforcing the coherence between students' training and their career plans, a real transformation is taking place, enabling students to be better equipped than ever to face the challenges of tomorrow.


Useful links
Contact information

Project management

Scientific and technical manager

  • Denis Bertin

Project manager

Project presentation

Project identity card
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Project nameTIGER
Supported byAix-Marseille Université
Year of certification2020
Total budget193 million euros
France 2030 grant23 million euros
Project partners


France 2030
TIGER project
Structuring training through research