Educational calendars

Calendriers universitaires

Registration, teaching and examination periods.

The 2023/2024 pedagogical calendars indicate registration, teaching and vacation periods, as well as exam dates.
To find out, click on your faculty, school or institute:

ALLSH - Arts, Lettres, Langues, Sciences Humaines (DEUST-L-LP-M1-M2-DU)
CFMI - Centre de Formation des Musiciens Intervenants (DUMI)
EJCAM - Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication (L-M1)
EJCAM - Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication (M2)
INSPE - Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (L-M1)
INSPE - Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (M2)
FDSP - Faculty of Law and Political Science (L-LP-M1)
FDSP - Faculty of Law and Political Science (M2)
FEG - Faculty of Economics and Management (L-LP-M1)
FEG - Faculty of Economics and Management (M2)
FS - Faculty of Science (L)
FS - Faculty of Science (LP)
FS - Faculty of Science (L-M-CTES)
FS - Faculty of Science (M1)
FS - Faculty of Science (M2)
FSS - Faculty of Sport Science (L-LP-M1)
FSS - Faculty of Sports Science (M2)
IAE - Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (M1)
IAE - Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (M2)
IUT - University Institute of Technology (BUT1-BUT2-LP-M1)
IMPGT - Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance (L-M1)
IMPGT - Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance (M2)
OSU PYTHEAS - Institut Pythéas - Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (M1)
OSU PYTHEAS - Institut Pythéas - Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (M2)
PHARMA - Faculty of Pharmacy (LP-M1-M2-DEUST-DFG-DFA-6th year)
FSMPM - School of Maieutics (DFG-FAS)
FSMPM - School of Rehabilitation Sciences (DE-Certificat de capacité)
FSMPM - Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences (M1)
FSMPM - Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences (M2)
FSMPM - School of Medicine (PASS-DGS-DFA)
FSMPM - School of Dentistry (DFG-DFA)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (DE Puéricultrice)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (DEIPA)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (LAS)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (DE IBODE)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (DE IFSI)
FSMPM - School of Nursing (DE Cadre de Santé)
POLYTECH - Engineering School (PEIP-DI)
SUL - University Language Service (DU)
registration periods