Are you an AMU student planning to transfer to another 1st year course in the 2023/24 academic year?

THE COMPLEMENTARY PHASE will be opened in Parcoursup from June 15 to September 12, 2023 - 23h59 (last date for making wishes).
This complementary phase is intended for applicants who :
  • have not received an admission offer in the main phase have not received an admission offer in the main phase: applicants who have only received negative responses to their wishes on June 1, 2023, and applicants who are "on the waiting list" for all their wishes.
  • have already accepted an admission offer in the main phase and who wish to make new who wish to make new applications for courses of greater interest to them, for which places are still available. available.
  • are registered on Parcoursup but have not confirmed their wishes by April 6, 2023
  • have never registered on Parcoursup

Please note: students who make wishes in the main phase will not be able to apply for the same programs opened in the complementary phase.



When you enter your wishes, you can use a follow-up form (optional) to highlight the steps you have taken to reflect on and reorient your new study project, with the help of the career guidance service (Service d'insertion et d'orientation): SUIO form

To attend the information workshops offered by the SUIO on June 13 and 20, register here





Useful links
Reorientation at the end of 1st year
Reorientation in complementary phase